
Note: some links will direct you to other UNV Web resources. These will open in a new browser windows.


General guidance and info materials

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UN Partners Toolkit for hosting UN Volunteers

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UNV Public Website

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UN Volunteers onboarding portal

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UN Volunteers Reporting Application

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UNV Service desk knowledge base

UVP on-screen guides
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Candidate how to register and complete a profile: Interactive version, web-page version

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Candidate how to upload a passport copy in UVP Video

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Candidate how to update personal information: Interactive version, web-page version

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Candidate how to update your email address in UVP Video

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Candidate how to apply for an assignment and withdraw an application video

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Candidate how to complete profile update task when selected for an assignment: Interactive version, web-page version

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Candidate how to complete and upload a security clearance: Interactive version, web-page version

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Candidate end of assignment checklist Interactive version, web-page version

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Host Entity, candidates and UN Volunteers how to reset your UVP password Interactive version, web-page version

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UN Volunteer how to review and accept the offer: Interactive version, web-page version

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UN Volunteer how to enter banking information: Interactive version, web-page version

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UN Volunteer how to submit a payment request: Interactive version, web-page version

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UN Volunteer how to update your bank details while serving Interactive version, web-page version

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UN Volunteer how to complete and upload a beneficiary form: Interactive version, web-page version

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UN Volunteer how to request a home visit: Video

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How to Add Inventory of Personal Effects in UVP (step-by-step instructions)

Medical, Life, Dismemberment and Malicious Act coverage for UN Volunteers

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Cigna Medical, Life, Dismemberment and Malicious Act Coverage for UN Volunteers  (IUNV)

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Cigna Medical, Life, Dismemberment and Malicious Act Coverage for UN Volunteers (NUNV)

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CIGNA Manual for online claims (EN)

Cigna Employee Assistance Programme - Flyer

International Employee Assistance Programme - Mental Health and Well-being Solution


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Cigna Telehealth (TH) - Flyer

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After Service Health Insurance – NUNV (Flyer – EN, FR, ES, RU, AR, CHI)

After Service Health Insurance – IUNV (Flyer – EN, FR, ES, RU, AR, CHI)

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Regional contact information for Critical Incident Stress Management Unit (CISMU)

Forms and documents

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UNV Performance Appraisal Form Eng, Esp, Fr

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Telecommuting confirmation form (for international UN Volunteers in pre-deployment)

Telecommuting form (while serving)

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Recover pre-departure expenses - (ENG)

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MS3 Medical Clearance Form English French Spanish

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Discharge and Release of Liability in Case of Delayed Repatriation Travel English

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Accessibility Checklist (EN) - only for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) related assignment 

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Description of Assignment (DOA)-PwD (EN) - only for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) related assignment 

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Reasonable Accommodation Need Assessment Form (EN) - only for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) related assignment 

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Inventory of Personal Effects (ENG)

Information on Online Volunteering

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Host Entity how to create a new non-UN host entity: web-page version (in English)

Interactive version English, French, Spanish

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Host Entity how to create a new online volunteer description of assignment: web-page version (in English)

Interactive version: English, French, Spanish

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Host Entity how to select online volunteers: web-page version (in English)

Interactive version, English, French, Spanish

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How to provide feedback on Online Volunteers  English, French, Spanish