Which organizations are eligible to register on UNV Online Volunteering?

As of 1 January 2020, the Online Volunteering service is free of charge to all eligible partners. This is made possible through process efficiency measure put in place in 2019. Partners eligible for the Online Volunteering service are:

  1. UN entities
  2. Governmental or other public institutions
  3. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

Interested partners should register on this platform. Applications will be reviewed and approved by UNV based on the information provided in the registration process.

To this end, CSOs who wish to publish assignments on UNV Online Volunteering should note that they must either:

  1. Already be registered with UNV’s Online Volunteers service; or
  2. Provide evidence of accreditation with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); or
  3. Be working with UN Country Teams as an implementing partner or through an agreement and provide evidence that a UN Entity has undertaken due diligence.

Evidence to this end must be provided when registering on our platform by uploading the respective document – either your accreditation certificate with ECOSOC, or the form available at the end of this page, signed by the UN Entity which has undertaken the due diligence.

CSOs that have tried to register with us and were rejected while registration was suspended in 2019 are welcome to register again if they comply with the above-mentioned criteria. CSOs already registered on our platform are welcome to continue using the platform as before.

UNV Declaration Due Dilligence.docx