1. Reasonable accommodation needs for an inclusive selection (For UN Volunteers serving with UN Entities)

Reasonable accommodation needs for an inclusive selection - For UN Volunteers serving with UN Entities

1. Responsible person/party - Candidate

Profile creation – Declare disability requirements/disabilitiesSelf-declare specific disability during registration and indicate special needs (in UVP)

2. VSC Operations Associate Volunteer Recruitment

Inform Host Entity - At the stage of the candidate’s submission check if the candidate self-declared disability, inform the Host Entity that special needs may exist and need to be taken into consideration during the selection process.

Reference documents (Guideline for inclusive interviews and assessmentGuidance for Supervisor and managers for managing personnel PWD)

3. Host Entity Hiring Manager or Supervisor

Arrange for reasonable accommodation - Liaise with the candidate and provide reasonable accommodation.

2. Reasonable accommodation needs for an inclusive selection (For UN Volunteers serving with UNV )

Reasonable accommodation needs for an inclusive selection (For UN Volunteers serving with UNV )

1. Responsible person/party - Candidate

Indicate special needs - Self-declare specific disability during registration and indicate special needs (in UVP

2. VSC Operations Associate - Volunteer Recruitment

Inform UNV Hosting Section, Office - At the stage of the candidate’s submission check if the candidate self-declared disability, inform Host Entity that special needs may exist and need to be taken into consideration during the selection process.

Reference documents (Guideline for inclusive interviews and assessmentGuidance for Supervisor and managers for managing personnel PWD)

3. UNV Hiring Manager or Supervisor

Identify reasonable accommodation needs - Liaise with the candidate and identify reasonable accommodation needs and define costs.

Reference document - Guideline for inclusive interviews and assessment

4. UNV Hiring Manager or Supervisor 

Request funding - Submit a request for funding to the Volunteer Solutions Section indicating:

  • What is needed?
  • Why?
  • Estimated cost supported by an invoice

5. Chief, VSS 

Review and approve funding - Review and approve funding.

  1. Communicate about funding to the requesting office.
  2. When not approved, VSS communicates with the office that submitted the request on reasons and possible solutions /way forward.

6. VSS Onsite team

Record in VM K-base - Keep a record on the VM K-base (restricted access archive)


Upload approval in Volunteer’s file - OA uploads approval in Volunteer’s file

8. UNV Hiring Manager or Supervisor

Procure goods/services - Procure good / service or informs the candidate that reasonable accommodation cannot be provided and indicates reasons.

3. Reasonable accommodation needs to carry out the assignment or required during the assignment due to acquired disability (For UN Volunteers serving with UN Entities)

Reasonable accommodation needs to carry out the assignment or required during the assignment due to acquired disability (For UN Volunteers serving with UN Entities)

1. VSC Operations Associate - Volunteer Recruitment 

Send reasonable accommodation needs assessment questionnaire - Upon offer generation and if requested, send reasonable accommodation needs assessment to candidates who self-reported disability at the application/registration stage.

2. VSC Operations Associate Volunteer Recruitment 

Contact Host Entity 

  • Transfer to the Host Entity the needs assessment received from the candidate and request the HE to get in contact with the candidate/ UN Volunteer to discuss arrangement for reasonable accommodation.
  • Inform the host entity that should the budget be insufficient to cover the entire cost of the reasonable accommodation, the host entity may request UNV to withdraw the offer in line with the COS provision. And that the candidate will be consulted in case partial coverage would be acceptable.

3. Host Entity Hiring Manager or Supervisor

Arrange for reasonable accommodation

  • Liaise with the candidate and provide reasonable accommodation.
  • Provide UNV with the CoA should HE request UNV to process one time or regular monthly payment. (Position COS in case of UNVs working with UN agencies)

Not all reasonable accommodation requires funding. See more in the   Reasonable Accommodation flyer (ENGFRAESP)​ & UNDP guidance note

4. VSC Operations Associate Volunteer Management 

Follow up Follow up with the candidate to know if the discussion took place and if reasonable accommodation was provided.

5. VSC Payroll Associate

Processes payment for reasonable accommodation through payroll When reasonable accommodation requires a regular monthly payment to UN Volunteer or one-time reimbursement, upon request from the Host Entity, VSC may process such payment using payroll element. (UNA_ER_NR_REA_ACC_ALL)

In the majority of cases, the financial aspects related to reasonable accommodation shall be handled by the host entity i.e., procurement of goods or services.

Refer to this template for the reimbursement of reasonable accommodation for UN volunteer person with disabilities, who requires personal assistance.

4. Reasonable accommodation needs to carry out the assignment or required during the assignment due to acquired disability (For UN Volunteers serving with UNV )

Reasonable accommodation needs to carry out the assignment or required during the assignment due to acquired disability (For UN Volunteers serving with UNV )

1. VSC Operations Associate - Volunteer Recruitment

Send reasonable accommodation needs assessment questionnaire Upon offer generation and if requested, send reasonable accommodation needs assessment to candidates who self-reported disability at the application/registration stage. Offer includes the following text link

2VSC Operations Associate Volunteer Recruitment

Contact Host Entity

  • Transfer to the Host Entity the needs assessment received from the candidate and request the HE to get in contact with the candidate/ UN Volunteer to discuss arrangements for reasonable accommodation.
  • Inform the host entity that should the budget be insufficient to cover the entire cost of the reasonable accommodation, the host entity may request UNV to withdraw the offer in line with the COS provision. And that the candidate will be consulted in case partial coverage would be acceptable.

Important: UNV shall however inform the candidate about the aspects of the needed reasonable accommodation that the HE can cover and allow the candidate to decide.

3. Host Entity Hiring Manager or Supervisor

Arrange for reasonable accommodationLiaise with the candidate and provide reasonable accommodation.

  • Provide UNV with the CoA should HE request UNV to process one time or regular monthly payment. (Position COS in case of UNVs working with UN agencies

Not all reasonable accommodation requires funding. See more in the   Reasonable Accommodation flyer (ENGFRAESP)​ & UNDP guidance note

4. VSC Operations Associate Volunteer Management

Follow upFollow up with the candidate to know if the discussion took place and if reasonable accommodation was provided.

5. VSC Payroll Associate

Processes payment for reasonable accommodation through payroll When reasonable accommodation requires regular monthly payment to UN Volunteer or one-time reimbursement, upon request from the Host Entity, VSC may process such payment using payroll element. (UNA_ER_NR_REA_ACC_ALL)

In the majority of cases, the financial aspects related to reasonable accommodation shall be handled by the host entity i.e., procurement of goods or services. Refer to this template for the reimbursement of reasonable accommodation for UN volunteer person with disabilities, who requires personal assistance.

6. VSS Onsite team

Record in VM K-baseKeep records on the VM K-base (restricted access archive)


Upload approval in Volunteer’s file - OA uploads approval in Volunteer’s file

8. UNV Host Section / Office

Procure goods/servicesManage and ensure procurement of good / services or Informs the candidate that reasonable accommodation cannot be provided and indicates reasons.


Processes payment for reasonable accommodation through invoice - When reasonable accommodation requires regular monthly payment to a UN Volunteer or a one-time reimbursement, upon request from a UNV Host Section / Office, VSC may process such payments using the costing information as per the approval of VSS.

In the majority of cases, financial aspects related to reasonable accommodation shall be treated by the host entity i.e., procurement of goods or services. Approval from VSS Chief will be used as a supporting document for the payment. Refer to this template for the reimbursement of reasonable accommodation for UN volunteer person with disabilities, who requires personal assistance.

10. VSC OA  

Follow up Follow up with the candidate to know if the discussion took place and if reasonable accommodation was provided.

Reasonable accomodation.pdf