1. Assess the eligibility to home visit

Responsible party/person - Volunteer

Review the number of points accrued based on entry on duty date/last eligibility date and duty station classification

2. Request home visit


Complete home visit request form. Upload form in UVP using ‘request home visit’ task.

3. Confirm eligibility

Operations Associate, Volunteer Management

Review request form. Confirm eligibility for home visit.

4. Request travel quote

Operations Associate, Volunteer Management

Create 120% travel quotation case in salesforce Procure to Pay (P2P)

5. Provide travel quote

UNV Travel

Enter travel quote amount in salesforce.

Quote is sent to UVP via integration.

6. Create home visit payment request

Operations Associate, Volunteer Management

  • Create a payment request for home visit travel in UVP.
6. Confirm home visit payment request

Payroll Associate

Confirm payment in UVP.

(Payment is added to one-time entry excel)

7. Travel quotation task

Operations Associate, Volunteer Management

Complete travel quotation task in UVP to confirm

8. Confirm payment in UVP

Payroll Associate

Confirm home visit payment in UVP.

9. Notify UN Volunteer

Operations Associate, Volunteer Management

Notify UN Volunteer that payment is approved

10. Maintain accurate records

Operations Associate, Volunteer Management

Record date of travel for a home visit and return to a duty station in Atlas E-Services

(Volunteers to update in Atlas e-services if they have access)

Home Visit.pdf