Online assignment criteria and overall platform rules

Online assignment criteria

UNV screens all submitted assignment descriptions before publishing them. When you submit an assignment, make sure it…


Benefits sustainable human development

Your assignment description should clearly state how the Online Volunteer will contribute to sustainable human development and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Only request online support

Your organization’s collaboration with Online Volunteers must take place online, and the final product must be submitted over the internet. Online Volunteers must not be asked to be physically present at any specific location. Online Volunteers must never be requested to make donations in-kind or financial contributions or to solicit donations from third parties. Furthermore, Online Volunteers must not be asked to supervise anyone.


Supports your own organization’s activities

Online Volunteering assignments must not be posted on behalf of another organization. It is important for online volunteers to know that the organizations they support have been properly screened and are in line with the Online Volunteering service eligibility criteria.


Is non-discriminatory

The Online Volunteering service is a global platform. Assignments should be inclusive, and Online Volunteers chosen based on their skills, knowledge, and experience free from any discrimination, defined as any unfair treatment or arbitrary distinction based on a person’s race, sex, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, social origin or other protected status.


Is written in English, French, or Spanish

Assignments must be posted in one of the three currently available languages: English, French, and Spanish. Upon prior agreement with UNV, some assignments may also be posted in Portuguese.


Is short-term

Online volunteering assignments are short-term and must be no longer than 12 weeks each. A properly defined task is one that has a clear beginning and end so that the individual managing the Online Volunteer and the Online Volunteers themselves can easily determine when the task is complete.


Is task-based

Online volunteering assignments are task-based, which means each task represents a piece of work that must be done to complete the project. The task must be straightforward and be clearly described in the assignment form. Your organization can request up to a maximum of 25 Online Volunteers for each task.


The UNV is available to guide you in designing “SMART” assignment descriptions that are in line with the above criteria. Together, we make sure that each assignment corresponds to a Specific task that can lead to a Measurable result and contribution to advance sustainable development. We check that the outcome of the online collaboration is Attainable considering task complexity and the number of Online Volunteers required. Explaining the bigger picture and giving due recognition motivates Online Volunteers and makes the assignment Rewarding for them. Finally, only Time-bound assignments allow Online Volunteers to pursue their other professional, academic or personal commitments while volunteering online.  

In short, SMART assignments are attractive for Online Volunteers and yield great results for your organization!


Overall Platform Rules


Online Volunteer Legal Status

Please note that Online Volunteers shall not be deemed in any respect as being a UN Volunteer and, as such, shall not benefit from this status. In addition, they shall not be considered in any respect as being the employee, staff or agent of UNV or the United Nations. 


Assignment Management

Each assignment represents the collaboration between the Online Volunteer and your organization on one clear task with a clearly described deliverable. Therefore, for each task requested by your organization, a separate assignment must be submitted. This also applies to already completed tasks for which another collaboration is requested. Assignments shall only be re-published in case the first round of applications did not end with a suitable Online Volunteer candidate. In case the collaboration was interrupted early, the assignment may be re-published to receive more applications, or a previous applicant may be contacted.

Assignments may be published for two weeks. However, it is suggested to close assignments after it has attracted a good number of qualified candidates or as soon as a suitable candidate to perform the task has been selected.


Online Volunteer Management

Please be aware that UNV reserves the right to put publishing of further assignments on hold when it determines candidates’ applications have not been adequately taken care of in previously published assignments.


Fundraising related assignments

When you seek help from Online Volunteers related to fundraising activities Online Volunteers must never be asked or requested to solicit donations/funds from third parties.


UNV reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate should it become aware of any infringements of the assignment criteria or overall platform rules.