1. Longlist candidates

Talent API

AI scores and ranks applicants as they apply

In cases of direct recruitment, only the candidate identified by the host entity will be invited to apply. From that step onwards, the process is the same as openly advertised recruitments.

2. (If needed) update recruitment clearances and/or reference checks

OA Recruitment

Update which recruitment clearances apply to the DoA

This option is available until the first recruitment clearance is reached (before submission or after the candidate is marked as preferred).

3. Shortlist candidates

OA Recruitment

Review candidate profiles and create shortlist

4. Submit shortlist to host entity

OA Recruitment

Once the shortlist is final, submit candidates to the host entity.

If recruitment clearances are required for the assignment before submitting to the host entity, go to 4.1. If no clearances are selected, UVP will proceed to step 5.

If a pre-submission clearance is needed for the assignment (Electoral, human rights, CISMU) UVP will not submit candidates immediately. They will move to the ‘clearance’ tab.

For UNDRR assignments, notify Geneva-based HR focal points of candidates submitted

For UNHCR only -  OA Recruiter submits shortlist candidates to UNV FU in UVP, the UNV Field Unit forwards candidate profiles to UNHCR Field Office (Temporary)

4.1 Send submitted candidates for clearance

OA recruitment

Send email to clearance body with candidate/applicant data as per clearance body requirements. Mark in UVP that this has been sent.

4.2 Review submission list

Clearance/vetting body

Review clearance and notify OA Recruiter.

4.3 Review clearance outcomes and submit

OA Recruitment

Review clearance and record outcome in the ‘clearance’ tab of UVP.

If clearances are not passed, submit more candidates for clearance. If all cleared, submit to the host entity

5. Receive list of submitted candidates

Host Entity

HE receives a task on their dashboard to review submitted candidates.

6. Review submitted candidates (not assessed)

Host Entity

Check the profiles of submitted candidates and choose the candidates that will not be assessed further. Mark candidates ‘not to be assessed’ in UVP.

7. Candidate assessment

PA/HE/Focal point

Arrange candidate assessment for suitable candidates eg. interview, written test, desk review, or other assessment depending on host entity preference.

Undertake assessment and record outcomes. 

HE can use their own or UNV's report documents. UNDRR sends the selection documents to RM as per UNDRR workflow. RO to inform VSC. 

8. Select preferred candidate(s) & waitlist candidates

Host Entity

HE completes a selection feedback form in UVP for each assessed candidate and indicates preferred.  

Supporting documentation such as interview notes or desk review assessments can be uploaded to UVP.

Recruitment users will receive a dashboard task in the following scenario:

  • A candidate withdraws when in the 'preferred' state

The task is called 'Candidate withdrawn'. This is a notification only. Completing the task performs no action. Mobilization users will receive a notification email.

Place 2nd, 3rd, etc candidates on the waitlist feedback form. Supporting documentation such as interview notes or desk review assessments can be uploaded to UVP. 

Candidates can be converted from ‘waitlisted’ to ‘preferred’ in case the preferred candidate withdraws.



Withdrawn tab and previous status coloum available in UVP 

This option shows which candidates -volunteers have withdrawn and where they were up to in the recruitment process when they withdrew under the ‘candidates’ screen. The tab is under ‘candidate’ in the DOAs section.  Click here for screenshots and instructions to add a column to a table. 

8.1 Send assessment outcome to APRS (for UNCHR-IUNV only)

UNHCR Field Office

UNHCR Field Office sends the interview reports and recommendations for recruitment of selected UN Volunteers in order of preference to APRS. 

9. Reject unsuccessful candidates

Host Entity

Complete a selection feedback form in UVP for candidates who were assessed but not successful.

10. Update personal information

Successful candidate

In UVP, complete the ‘complete profile’ task.

  • Update academic qualifications.
  • Add an emergency contact (if not already entered).
  • Upload passport copy (if not already uploaded).
  • Confirm closest airport (or no travel).
  • Dependent information.
11. Reference check [optional]


If required by the host entity, OA performs a task of “request reference” in UVP.


  • UVP sends an email to referees named in the candidate’s profile
  • The email has a link to an online reference form for the referee to complete.
  • Recruiter receives an email when all references are submitted.
  • The referee feedback is saved under the candidate profile.


Reference check guide

You can visit here to get more information on reference checks

12. HR clearance/Inform UNV HQ  (UNHCR only)


APRS facilitates the HR and functional clearance within UNHCR and confirms clearance via task in UVP when requested by UNV recruiter.   

List of IUNV profiles that necessitate functional clearance.

  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Energy
  • Civil Engineer
  • CCM Cluster
  • Site Planner
  • Settlement Planning
  • Shelter, Shelter (Cluster)
  • Fleet
  • WASH
  • Public Information
12.1 Review submitted candidate

UNV Field Unit/Regional Office

  • Complete the task in UVP “Review submitted candidates”.
  • Record assessment outcome in UVP for selected/waitlisted/rejected candidates, upload selection documents to UVP

For those candidates who were not selected for the interview, complete the step in UVP “Decline without assessment”.

12.2 Request HR/functional clearance (UNHCR Only)

OA- Recruiter

Complete the task in UVP for the preferred candidate “Request UNHCR HR clearance”, “Request UNHCR functional clearance”


List of IUNV profiles that necessitate functional clearance.

  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Energy
  • Civil Engineer
  • CCM Cluster
  • Site Planner
  • Settlement Planning
  • Shelter, Shelter (Cluster)
  • Fleet
  • WASH
  • Public Information

For other profiles, functional clearance should be as "non applicable".

12.3 Confirm clearance (UNHCR Only)


Confirm clearance via task in UVP “Review UNHCR HR/Functional clearance”

12.4. Mark HR/functional clearance in UVP (UNHCR Only)

OA Recruiter

Mark “Cleared” or “not cleared” in manage recruitment  clearance page in UVP

13. Issue Offer (UNHCR Only)

OA Recruiter

Confirm profile is up to date. Perform ‘select and issue offer’ task in UVP. 

 Confirm that the offer details are correct. Users can make live edits to the template before sending in cases of special initiatives or exceptions.  

Triggers email to the candidate. 

Point 13 and other pre-departure tasks (medical, visa, etc. up to payment of travel) in UVP will be performed in parallel with step-13.1  (OneHR clearance)  


Candidates get a reminder from UVP after 3 days if no  action has been taken by them

13. 1. OneHR clearance (UNHCR only)


Process OneHR clearance (OneHR clearance is triggered automatically after the UNHCR APRS completes HR and functional clearances in UVP.)

Effective from 1 February 2021, reference verification for all International volunteers deployed to UNHCR is done through OneHR. OneHR reference verification applies to only IUNV assignments with UNHCR.

OneHE reference verification is not applicable to International UN Youth Volunteers for whose where the assignment does not require a University degree. OneHR is not applicable to International University Youth UN Volunteer recruitments, since for University Youth completed university degree cannot be a requirement. 

Effective from 15 July 2021, for all National UN Volunteers assignments with UNHCR, regular reference checks from UNV shall apply 

UNV/OneHR can proceed with checks in parallel with the recruitment process instead of waiting for its outcome and risking losing candidates which negatively impacts on UNV’s as well as on UNHCR’s operations. However, no recruitment can be materialized without completed OneHR reference check (min. degree, required years of work experience and qualitative ref check, SEA/SH). In case of negative outcome of any further check (additional degree, further work experiences, etc.) completed after recruitment, UNV will take appropriate disciplinary action as per COS.

The DOA required degree and work experience can be verified first instead of verifying all degrees and 10 years of professional experience to allow the recruitment process to progress faster. OneHR will still do the exhaustive verification in a second stage. If only BA is required in the DOA then this is checked first and if the candidate indicated any further degrees on his/her application, checks will be done later. Focus on checking minimum degrees and relevant required work experiences first.

In the case of Fully Funded assignments, OneHR costs need to be absorbed by the UNHCR.

13.2. OneHR clearance (UNHCR clearance)


  • Receive an email from OneHR reference verification with a link to inspira once the clearance is proceed.
  • Review the feedback in Inspira
  • Mark OneHR cleared/not cleared in UVP
  • Upload the clearance on the document library of the candidate

It is possible to mark OneHR clearance in UVP after the offer is issued

14. Clear Check

OA (Talent Pool)

Compare selected candidates against records on the Clear Check sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and sexual harassment (SH) databases.

Perform task in UVP to confirm:

  • “Clear Check No Match” – there is no record of SEA or SH;
  • “Clear Check Match” -  there is a record of SEA or SH.


15. Issue Offer

OA Recuiter

Confirm profile is up to date.

Perform ‘select and issue offer’ task in UVP.

Confirm that offer details are correct. User can make live edits to template before sending in cases of special initiatives or exceptions.

Triggers email to candidate.

Candidates get a reminder from UVP after 3 days if no action has been taken by them​​​​​​.

16. Accept offer

Preferred candidate

17. Candidate declines the assignment


Candidate declines the assignment.

Recruitment users will now receive a dashboard task in the following scenario:

  • A candidate declines an offer

The task is called 'Candidate withdrawn'. This is a notification only. Completing the task performs no action. Mobilization users will receive a notification email.


18. Select next candidate

OA recruiter

If candidate declines: If second choice, proceed with next candidate.


For UNHCR, the UNV recruiter informs the APRS. APRS facilitates the HR and functional clearance for the next selected candidate and all actors continue with the clearance process from step 12 onwards. 

19. Review selection decision


If no candidate is selected: request justification from host entity, record and upload, request re-submit) and go to longlist, and then shortlist, or consider special recruitment effort or closing the recruitment.

20. Position creation (automated)


Pull all the required data from UVP to the excel table for Copenhagen to proceed with the bulk position creation

21. Data transfer


Transfer candidate data to UN Office in Geneva Joint Medical services via interface with EarthMed system. 

22. Enter Atlas position


Enter Atlas position in UVP. 

Workflow for selection and clearance of medical professionals to be based in UN Missions

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Related link and document
Tick Icon

Recruiting UN Volunteer (Host Entity Tooklit)

Identification of Candidate.pdf