1. Learn about UNV

Responsible party/person - Candidate

Familiarize with UNV’s expectations for UN Volunteers and online volunteers.

Suggested links:



2. Create an account


Go to https://app.unv.org/

Click log in/sign up or click ‘apply’ on a Description of Assignment (DoA).

Click ‘sign up now’

Follow on screen instructions to verify email address. Create a password. Enter first name and last name, date of birth and gender.

Click tick box to confirm acceptance of ‘Terms and conditions’

Click ‘create’

3. Choose ‘candidate’


Choose the ‘I’m a candidate’ option.

4. Complete minimum Unified Volunteers Platform (UVP) profile


Complete the ‘Complete your candidate profile’ task to be taken to your profile or click the profile icon in the top right corner and click ‘edit’.

Enter basic profile information as indicated by *

(Minimum profile creation is required to apply for a DoA)

A checkbox on the candidate registration page to indicate interest in onsite volunteering, online or both.

5. Search and apply for an opportunity


Search available DoAs in the ‘DoAs’ tab. In the ‘related actions’ overlay, click ‘Apply’


 Passport upload” is mandatory in PDU tasks when applying for international positions and “Passport or national ID upload” is mandatory when applying for national positions. 

6. Complete application


Enter a motivation statement. Select years of experience, availability, confirm self-declaration and click ‘Apply’.

 Once candidate register in UVP, the system sends automatic email to the candidate confirmation about the registration. Please refer to UVP features updates dated 14 January 2022 

Applicant Registration new.pdf